Frequently Asked Questions

  • Dr. Giudice will conduct a thorough new patient exam that will take about an hour. After this, we may need bloodwork, imaging, etc. to further access your needs depending on what it is you’re looking to get help for. Then, we will go through a report of findings appointment. Dr. Giudice will discuss his findings and recommendations. If this seems like a good fit, we can present you with care plan options.

  • While we do not take insurance as a form of payment, you can see if you’re eligible for out of network benefits by contacting your insurance. We can provide you with the claim form if you decide to submit. We do not submit these claims in office.

  • We do not do lab work in office but we will provide you with a script to get lab work done. There are various locations and you can pick the one most convenient for you.

  • Everyone gets an individual plan. Typically or most commonly people will be treated 2x a week, for 6 weeks at which time we will re-evaluate your case to see what your next steps are. When scheduling as a new patient - we will go through a report of findings either the same day or on a separate appointment depending on time.